How a Tax Levy Attorney Can Help Stop Wage Garnishments

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It might be difficult to find a favorable tax levy in Tennessee. Locating a tax expert with knowledge of Tennessee’s state and local taxes is extremely crucial. A tax expert may assist with any tax-related matter, including negotiating a payment schedule and filing an appeal. TaxCure matches you with the most qualified tax expert for your circumstances using a special rating system. Click the “find a tax pro” button at the top of the page to get started.

In almost every Tennessee county, the majority of municipal revenue comes from property taxes. In terms of balancing property values throughout the state and offering a compelling incentive to invest in a community’s infrastructure and services, property taxes are among the most effective and equitable ways to collect taxes, so this is no accident. Nevertheless, there are still issues with the tax; some counties find it difficult to keep up with increases in property values, while others find it difficult to raise enough money. Check out our website at to learn more about tax levy matters.

Since Tennessee does not impose a personal income tax, Social Security payments and retirement funds are exempt from state taxation. However, with a statewide sales tax rate of 7% and county or municipality-level rates as high as 2.75 percent, the Volunteer State does have among of the highest state and local sales taxes in the nation.

Tennessee has no immediate intentions to abolish its income taxes, despite the fact that several other states are doing so. In reality, a $410 million decrease to the corporate franchise tax, which would reduce the rate to 4.5%, is part of Governor Bill Lee’s proposed budget.

The state’s tax structure, which comes in at number eight overall on the 2025 State Tax Competitiveness Index, greatly benefits wealthy people. The state has some of the lowest tax rates in the US, with the wealthiest 1 percent of households earning an average of $945,000 year and paying only 2.8 percent of their income in taxes.

However, certain citizens are disproportionately affected by the state’s high taxes and convoluted collection procedure. Despite having the 14th highest state and local tax burden in the nation, the state’s poorest 20 percent of households only make an average of $10,000 annually. By contrast, the state’s wealthiest 1 percent of households only pay 1.3 percent of their income in taxes. When considering a county’s property tax effort, the difference is much more pronounced. This is due to the fact that most of the time, several authorities, such as towns, county governments, and special school districts, employ the same property tax capacity at varying degrees of effort. Additionally, the same property is subject to varying rates depending on the locality.


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